Speech Audiometry

Speech Audiometry is a test that determines how well you can hear and understand spoken words. It assesses your speech reception and speech discrimination.This testing is also carried out in the audiometry.
What Are the Differences Between the Two Speech Audiometry Tests?
Speech exams are divided into two sections, each of which is administered in the same way but measures different levels of comprehension. During both the SRT and SD examinations, you will use headphones to listen to prepared speech and answer to instructions directly to the test administrator.
SRT: This test uses a limited collection of words that are revealed at the start of the test to determine your speech reception threshold at decreasing loudness. These words will then be randomised and repeated at lower and lower decibel levelsuntil you can't tell which one you're hearing. Your audiologist will discontinue this partof the test when your answer accuracy falls below 50%.
Speech discrimination: Using speech sounds at a decibel that may be heard well, SD tests indicate word recognition ability. The volume level of your SD test is decided by the findings of your previous tests. You will be asked to repeat the phrases delivered over your headphones, just like you were during SRT testing. However, in this situation, the speech is given at the same volume throughout, each phrase is unique, and the words are not exposed ahead of time.
Following Audiometry
Your audiologist will go through the results with you after the test. Your doctor will advise you on any preventative precautions you should take, such as wearing earplugs around loud noises, as well as any corrective measures you may require, such as wearing a hearing aid, based on how well you hear volume and tone.
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