Nose Bleeding

Nasal bleeding (also known as epistaxis) are quite common. They can be frightening, but they rarely signal a major medical issue. The nose is an easy target for injury and nosebleeds due to its central location in the face and the vast number of blood vessels close to the surface in the lining of your nose.
There are two sorts of nosebleeds. An anterior nosebleed occurs when the blood vessels in the front of the nose burst and bleed.
A posterior nosebleed occurs at the rear or deepest part of the nose. Blood rushes down the back of the throat in this situation. Nasal bleeding from the back of the nose is a dangerous condition.
How to Avoid Nasal Bleeding
There are a number of techniques to avoid nosebleeds.
• Use a humidifier to keep the air moist in your home.
• Don't pick your nose.
• Limit your aspirin intake, which might thin your blood and cause nosebleeds. Consult your doctor beforehand, as the advantages of taking aspirin may exceed the hazards.
• Antihistamines and decongestants should be used sparingly. These can cause the
nose to become dry.
• To keep the nasal passages wet, use a saline spray or gel.
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