Voice Disorders

When a person's voice quality, pitch, or loudness varies from or are improper for their age, gender, cultural background, or geographic area, they have a voice problem. When a person shows anxiety about having an odd voice that does not suit everyday demands, even though others do not see it as distinctive or deviant, they have a voice problem.
Your voice box (larynx) is made up of cartilage, muscle, and mucous membranes and is located between the top of your windpipe (trachea) and the base of your tongue. At the windpipe's entry are two flexible bands of muscle tissue called the vocal cords. When your vocal chords vibrate, sound is produced.
Air passing through the larynx causes this vibration, which brings your voice chords closer together. When you swallow, your vocal cords also help shut your voice box, keeping you from inhaling food or fluids.
Your vocal cords cannot function correctly if they get inflamed, acquire growths, or become paralysed, and you may have a voice issue.
The following are some of the most frequent vocal disorders:
• Laryngitis
• Muscle tension dysphonia
• Neurological voice problems such as spasmodic dysphonia
• Polyps, nodules, or cysts on the vocal cords (noncancerous lesions)
• Precancerous and cancerous lesions
Risk Factors
A voice issue can be caused by a number of circumstances, including:
• Aging
• Alcoholism
• Allergies
• Illnesses such as colds or upper respiratory infections
• Improper throat cleaning over time
• Neurological issues
• Stress
• Scarring from neck surgery or injuries to the front of the neck
• Screaming
• Smoking
• Throat cancer
• Throat dehydration
• Thyroid disorders
• Misuse or overuse of the voice
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