Tongue Tie

Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a congenital condition in which the tongue's range of motion is restricted.
An exceptionally short, thick, or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) tethers the bottom of In tongue-tie, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the floor of the mouth, making nursing difficult. A person with tongue-tie may find it difficult to put out his or her tongue. Tongue-tie can affect a child's ability to eat, speak, and swallow. Tongue-tie may or may not cause complications. In some circumstances, a simple surgical operation may be required to fix the problem.
What are some of the signs and symptoms of tongue-tie?
Tongue-tie symptoms can range from minor to severe. It's possible that the tongue is heart-shaped or has a notch in it. In some circumstances, tongue-tie isn't severe enough to cause problems in daily living.
In babies, tongue-tie can cause the following symptoms:
• Breastfeeding difficulties
• Breastfeeding for long periods of time
• Constant hunger
• Weight gain problems
• A clicking sound while the infant is feeding
Tongue-tie symptoms in young children can include:
• Speech impediments
• Swallowing problems
• Difficulty moving the tongue from side to side or toward the roof of the mouth
• Difficulty licking ice cream
• Difficulty playing a wind
• Problems sticking the tongue out
Breastfeeding mothers may experience the following symptoms as a result of their infant's tongue tie:
• Cracked and painful nipples
• Pain while nursing
• Inadequate milk supply
How can you know if you have tongue-tie?
Ankyloglossia is usually detected by a paediatrician or a lactation consultant.
Examining the underside of the tongue reveals that it is attached to the mouth's floor, tying the tongue in place.
What's the best way to get rid of tongue-tie?
Tongue-tie isn't always severe enough to generate apparent symptoms. Tongue-tie in infants and young children that does not cause issues with feeding, swallowing, or speaking may not require treatment.
If your child has tongue-tie and is having difficulty eating, the lingual frenulum can be severed in a straightforward surgical surgery. A frenectomy (also known as frenulectomy, frenotomy, or tongue-tie division) is a procedure that can be done without anaesthesia in the clinic.
For infants, the treatment is usually painless. Pain drugs or general anaesthesia may be given to young children and adults prior to the treatment. Frenectomy, like any surgical operation, has the potential of complications, which include:
• Bleeding
• Infection
• Scarring
• Damage to the mouth's saliva ducts
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